Welcome to my word finder page, yes another finder page and just to make my wife happy - A Cheat Page.
A bit of history, I am from a Yahtzee family and I married into a die hard, cut thoat Scrabble family, who members frequently call for audits of scoring. I am a computer programmer / database admin, and frankly can't think of words very easily, my brain just does not work that way.
So along came Wordle (thanks a lot), it is better and shorter them Scrabble, in my opinion, but I still get stuck. Their are many word finders out their, some specially for the Wordle style, but just lacks some of the features that would be helpful.
A long story short, I decided to make my own. I tried to make it easy to use and well I just wanted to share. ENJOY!
As time and money permits, I will continue to make improvements and add other tools that I find useful. I am by no means join to copy other finders, if I can improve on it so be it.
- Good Letter Wrong Place
- Good Letter Correct Place
- Bad Letter (Default)